Spring Landscape Checkup

Once winter is passed, it is time to freshen up the landscape and bring some fresh life with a spring clean-up. Our checklist will help you get started.

Spring Landscape Checklist

Limb & Trim – Cut back any dead limbs on shrubs or trees. Be sure to check for disease and dead wood in order to treat if needed.

Prune – Prune shrubs and trees if needed, however, be cautious to wait until later in the season to prune if the landscape already has buds in place. If you trim the budded branches off, you will lose the Spring flower display.

Irrigation – Do an irrigation checkup, making sure sprinkler heads, nozzles, and drip irrigation is completely free of leaks, clogs, and other issues.

Lawn Care – Mow, aerate, re-seed, and spring-fertilize the grass.

Edging – Re-edge flower beds, vegetables, gardens, and areas around the sidewalks.

Perennials – Have over-abundant perennial beds or notice a few perennials that have bald spots? Spring is the best time to divide a plant and rake away dead material from around perennials. Most all perennials can be divided in Spring and can gain health and longevity from division. Plant new plants as well.

Weed – Spring is the time when weed season really kicks in, so weed-whacking along edges and de-weeding garden beds can help prevent more work later on in the landscape.

Blow Clean Up – Blow and rake leaves, pulled weeds, dropped sticks, and debris out of window wells, corners, walkways, and landscape beds. Landscapers often add clogged gutter cleaning services in the Spring.

Prepare Beds – Check soil, add composted material as needed. Check mulch levels of garden beds also and mulch well in order to help prevent weeds for the season.

Haul Away - Haul away dead material, grass clippings, and composting debris unless you have a composter on property.

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